We are a family of believers who are united by our journey of faith under the powerful and life-giving name of Jesus Christ. For over 40 years God has blessed our church with the opportunity to spread the Good News of the Kingdom of God locally and internationally. You will experience joy-filled worship and hope-filled biblical messages. We believe in the freedom and encouragement that the Word of God and walking in the Spirit brings. Your kids will have fun and find inspiration while learning about our loving God in a safe environment.
Welcome to Lake Almanor Community Church!
Visiting a new church can be pretty awkward. Maybe you’re coming from another church that did things differently or you’ve never been part of a church. Now you’re surrounded by a bunch of people singing songs that you don’t know and praying prayers you’ve never heard. Then, to top it all off, they pass around a basket and ask for money. We get it! We know that visiting a church can be uncomfortable, and we want to make you feel at home. So, here are a few things to know:
- You are welcome here and we're so glad you came. Every one of us has a past and it doesn’t matter where you come from, what you’ve done, or who you’re involved with, you're always welcome.
- Do not feel obligated to give. For those who attend our church regularly, it is an honor to give, but we do not expect it of our guests.
- Relax and enjoy yourself. Hopefully the routines of our Sunday service will be pretty easy to understand, but don’t worry, there’s nothing here to “mess up.”
- Say "hello" to someone. Most likely a bunch of people have already said “hello” to you, but in case they haven’t, step out and introduce yourself. We’d love to get to know you.
- Finally, if you have any questions, please ask!
Our hope is that after getting to know us better, you would become a part of our church family. We’d love to have you on the journey.
Join us Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for worship, giving, and a message from Scott Cory. Matt and Marlo are leading a mission team in Belize, and I’m sure they would be grateful for your prayers while they are away. Don’t forget to change your clocks, and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Quote of the week:
God buries our sins in the depths of the sea and then puts up a sign that reads “No Fishing”― Corrie Ten Boom
Here are some announcements:
Support for the Kassel’s – We have had a few people ask if there are other options to support the Kassel’s instead of GoFundMe. They now have a Venmo set up; you can search @Sheri-Kassel and you should find it. They also have an account set up at Plumas Bank.
Celebration of Learning- Thank you for attending the LACS Celebration of Learning on Thursday. The students did a fantastic job! We are so blessed by the opportunity we have to participate in their education. You can watch it online if you were unable to attend in person (or just want to watch again) at:Celebration of Learning
New Members Class -If you were in our new members class, please turn in your interview form at your earliest convenience. We would like to welcome you during the service on the 23rd of March.
Lent Devotionals- We have devotionals available for the upcoming season of Lent. If you are interested, we have them in the back. If you’d like to donate $10 to help pay for the book, it would be appreciated.
Ministry Opportunities- Pat is looking for some help on the Java Team on Sunday mornings. If you’d like to come help, you can call or text 375-0943 or email julespath@frontiernet.net. Carol Ann is also looking for some additional help with the preschool and nursery-age kids on Sunday mornings. You can call or text her at 310-2276 or email carolann@lakechurch.life if you’d like to help.
March Potluck- We will have our March potluck on the 23 after our new member's introduction. A-I can bring a main dish, J-N a dessert, and M-Z a side or salad. Hope you can make it!
Easter Baptisms - We plan to have baptisms on Easter Sunday. If you are interested in being baptized, email Pastor Matt at matt@lakechurch.life, or you can fill out the connection card.
Have a great weekend!
Matt & the LACC staff -
Click HERE to watch